Wednesday, October 14, 2009

2000th Post: Free Stuff

I recently posted my 2000th post on this site, and I have gifts for you, as usual.

Thank you for reading and commenting, for linking and discussing. Without you, I'm just another fool writing to himself in cyberspace. Thanks to you, I am encouraged to write.

Since this is primarily a game blog, I'm going to give it back in the form of games, as well as one donation to a worthy cause. Let's get started.

Game 1: I'll send an gift certificate to the person who sends me the lowest unique integer value between 5 and 50. The value you send will be the value of the certificate.

I get a few bucks from Amazon when you buy things after clicking through a link on my site (such as the one above).

Send me an email with the subject "Game 1" and your entry. Deadline for entry is 8:00 am Israeli time, Friday, October 23. You may enter only once; only your last entry counts.

Game 2: I'll send a gift certificate to the person who sends me the lowest unique integer value between 5 and 50. The value you send will be the value of the certificate.

I get a few bucks from FunAgain when you buy things after clicking through a link on my site (such as the one above).

Send me an email with the subject "Game 2" and your entry. Deadline for entry is 8:00 am Israeli time, Friday, October 23. You may enter only once; only your last entry counts.

Game 3: I'll send any item from Starlit Citadel to the person who asks for an item (or combination of items) whose value is the lowest unique value (maximum $50; you must pay shipping; if you would like me to simply buy and reserve it and you can add it to some other shipment, let me know that.)

Starlit Citadel is a long-time sponsor of this blog. They are a Canadian online game store with great selection, prices, and service. Thanks!

Send me an email with the subject "Game 3" and your entry. Deadline for entry is 8:00 am Israeli time, Friday, October 23. You may enter only once; only your last entry counts.

Donation: I'll send a copy of my game It's Alive to any deserving recipient you name.

It's Alive is an easy game for new game players, but also fun for true gamers. The theme is appropriate for Halloween, but may be unsuitable for those averse to, or too young for, cartoonish depictions of severed body parts. Due to the pictures, it is recommended for ages 12 and up, but I find that kids as young as age 8 or even 7 love the game.

Name a recipient: someone hit by the economy who needs cheering up, or is sick, or otherwise. I'll pick one to send to.

Sorry, I wish I could send to all of them. If I'm feeling particularly generous, I may send a second copy.

To enter this contest, LEAVE A COMMENT on this post about your recipient, without giving identifying details. The reason for doing it this way is that I'm hoping other generous readers will offer to pick up the baton and send something to those recipients to which I'm unable to do so. Deadline for entry is 8:00 am Israeli time, Friday, October 23.

I hope you'll stick with me through the next 1000 posts and continue to comment, link, and enjoy. Thanks again.


Contest details: Contest is run as-is and complies with no laws of any country. I reserve the right to discriminate based on sex, religion, race, disability, eye-color, personality type, or anything else I so feel like. Entrance is permitted to whom I say and may end at any time without awarding anything. The judging will be run in a highly partial and unfair manner, and the judge will accept all offers of bribes and flattery, and may respond in a cowardly fashion to blackmail. Prize value is not guaranteed. By entering this contest, you agree to all rules written here as well as all rules I wrote in Sanskrit in a secret file on my son's laptop. If you are reading this, you are too close to your monitor.

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