Wednesday, July 7, 2010

The BP Board Game Story Leaked and Spread Like

The mainstream news would have you believe that stories originate in the mainstream news and are stolen, without attribution, by bloggers and new media service. The truth is often the opposite. Bloggers and new media services originate many news items that are stolen, without attribution, by the mainstream press.

Bloggers and NMSs, as a rule, write an intro, snip a paragraph or two, attribute, and link. Mainstream press, as a rule, doesn't snip, but they also don't attribute.

Here's how the fairly insignificant discovery of an old story about a BP oil game spread across the internet. Note that I am leaving out another hundred or so blogs, most of whom simply snip and attribute.

Jun 2Reg Hardware (NMS)Hat tip to "Enzo"
Jun 2Wordsmoker (blog)None
Jul 5Metro (MSP)None
Jul 5SWNS (MSP)None
Jul 6Gizmodo (blog)Metro
Jul 6Kotaku (blog)Metro, Gizmodo
Jul 6Saffron Walden Reporter (MSP)None
Jul 6Chron (blog on MSP)Metro, Gizmodo, MSNBC Field Notes
Jul 6Yahoo News blog (blog on MSP)Metro
Jul 6Nola (MSP)Metro
Jul 6Think Progress (blog)Metro
Jul 6Purple Pawn (blog)Kotaku [1]
Jul blog (blog on MSP)Yahoo
Jul 6Examiner (blog)Reg Hardware, Think Progress
Jul 6WTOP (MSP)Metro, Gizmodo
Jul 6Grist (NMS)Metro, Mother Jones
Jul 6Mother Jones (MSP)Metro
Jul 6Huffington Post (NMS)Metro, hat tip to Baratunde tweet
Jul 6CNN This Just In (MSP)None
Jul 6MSNBC Field Notes (MSP)None
Jul 6alibi (blog)MSNBC Field Notes
Jul 6Cambridge News (MSP)None
Jul 6Geekosystem (blog)Metro, Agent M
Jul 6Agent M (blog)Metro
Jul 6GamerCrave (blog)Metro, Gizmodo
Jul 6Fox Boston (blog on MSP)Metro
Jul 6Escapist (NMS)Metro, Gizmodo
Jul 6CNBC Funny Business (MSP)Metro
Jul 6ParentDish (blog)Metro
Jul 6WIBW (MSP)None
Jul 6Good (NMS)Metro, Treehugger
Jul 6Treehugger (blog)Metro, Climate Progress
Jul 6Climate Progress (blog)Metro, Think Progress
Jul 6Daily Tech (blog)Gizmodo
Jul 6Neatorama (blog)Metro, Kotaku
Jul 6The New Republic (blog)Metro
Jul 7Live Oil (blog)None
Jul 7Arizona Daily Wildcat (MSP)CNN This Just In

[1] Actually, I saw the original Reg Hardware post, but didn't feel that it was important enough to note on PP. After the later flare up, one of the other pawns posted.

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