Friday, July 30, 2010

Session Report, in which I re-evaluate In the Shadow of the Emperor

The latest Jerusalem Strategy Gaming Club session report is up, and has been up since Wednesday, actually. Games played: In the Shadow of the Emperor, Tichu, Oltre Mare.

I re-evaluate In the Shadow of the Emperor, and also think about Oltre Mare some more.


My step-daughter has returned from a three month sojourn to Costa-Rica. While in Costa Rica, she decided to travel to Panama, and then Ecuador and the Galapagos. When she tried to return to Costa Rica via Panama, she was denied entry because she did not have a yellow fever vaccination. She was booted back to Panama.

The airline that let her board the flight to Costa Rica from Ecuador took responsibility for the mess and arranged to have her stay in a hotel in Guayaquil, Ecuador for the ten days required to wait after receiving the vaccination. Luckily, she still had twelve days until her flight from Costa Rica back to Israel. They shouldn't have let her board the plane to begin with.

Actually, Ecuador shouldn't have let her come in to begin with, since you really need a yellow fever vaccination to get in to Ecuador to begin with.

Luckily, that was the worst part of the trip. She didn't actually contract yellow fever and she didn't get robbed in Guayaquil, although it's a high-crime city. American Airlines lost her luggage on the way back to Israel, however.

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