Saturday, January 15, 2011

Shabbat Gaming

I went to Cliff's to play some games with his kids and with Mace and his kids (and fiance's kids). Lots of kids, suffice to say.

The kids wanted to play Bang. There's a reason I don't like Werewolf; it's the same reason I sold my copy of Bang. This session reminded me why. We had 6 players, and I was the renegade, already a generally hopeless position in which to start the game. I was eliminated after taking only one turn, for no particular reason and with no way of preventing it. I watched for the next 45 minutes while one of the outlaws refused to kill the sheriff because he thought it would be a "better win" if he killed all the other outlaws first.

The kids then wanted to play Munchkin, and I said no way (at least, not with me). I convinced the adults and two of the kids to play Terra Prime, a game I wanted to learn. It's the other first game from Tasty Minstrel games, whose game Homesteaders is one of my all-time favorites.

Terra Prime is an exploration and settlement game, similar enough to other games in the genre. There may be more to it than what I experienced on my first play since I only made it through a few rounds before I had to leave. In particular, in this kind of game, I need to know how the scoring works at the end of the game, so I can't say that I've actually played the game yet. I'm keen to play a whole game, however.

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