Sunday, February 27, 2011

RIP My Uncle Howard

A few months after losing her husband, my mom lost her brother on Friday. I'm spending tonight and Tuesday night with her in Beit Shemesh. I'm tired of being a bearer of down vibes to my friends and readers. As Mirah says in Daniel Deronda, "I am too ready to speak of troubles, I think. It seems unkind to put anything painful into other people's minds, unless one were sure it would hinder something worse."

I'm reading / listening to Daniel Deronda. What a shock it must have been to readers in the 19th century to encounter the rich, sympathetic, Zionist Jewish world in the context of a traditional English novel.

Obgame: I played two games of Set with the kids of the kind family who invited us for shabbat lunch. It's only a game if the players are evenly matched.

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