Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Day 1: At the Airport

Welcome to the first post in my new series of mis-adventures in travel. This time we're headed to Ireland - first Dublin, then a sweeping arc through the southeast, south, and southwest of Ireland, and back to Dublin - and then on to Kansas City and a drive down to Dallas - for this year's BGG.con gaming convention.

I will be flying Lufthansa to Dublin via Frankfurt, Continental to Kansas City via Newark, and Air Canada to Tel Aviv via Toronto. Six flights! Six airports! What fun!

My p.o.v. at Ben Gurion
Having checked in online, I arrived absurdly early to Ben Gurion airport, breezing through first security, baggage check in, second security, and customs in 15 minutes. When I was done, I still had three hours until the flight; but really, with a laptop and wifi, does it really matter where I sit while I play around on the Internet?

Reverse p.o.v. at Ben Gurion. Huh. Still scruffy, I see.
I arranged my Irish lodging and car rental (for the sweeping arc portion) in advance. I have few plans in Dublin; my goal is to soak in the culture, handicrafts, and music, stroll around the coast (if it's not entirely flooded) and some parks, and maybe see some literary stuff (Joyce, Beckett, etc). And buy a pair of sneakers (mine are falling apart). That's all I've got, so far. Plus some shabbat hospitality in the Jewish area. I'll buy a five day rambler bus ticket; if I stick to my B&B area for at least one of my Dublin days, that should cover all my transportation.
We are all born mad. Some remain so. -- Samuel Beckett
In other news, I met a woman online via Frumster. We have only talked twice and haven't even met in person, yet, but I'm hopeful. She seems to be lovely. Of course, considering this trip, the timing could hardly have been worse.

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