Monday, November 14, 2011

Day 12: A Long Road and Good Friends

After ten days of walking the lonely, beautiful country of Ireland, it is so wonderful to be back among good friends.


The Sunday morning flight from Dublin to Newark was uneventful. The 757 had personal screens. I ended up watching three movies, all of which I had seen before.

The first was A Fish Called Wanda. The second was Music and Lyrics (I don't know why; I think I just wanted to hear the song). The third was My Sister's Keeper, over which I cried again. I just can't watch the beach scene (with that amazing song) and not leak like a faucet.

I was pre-cleared for US customs in Dublin airport. Dublin airport has a US only section of the airport (I remember when certain airports had an Israel-only section). So, in theory, I could just waltz over to my other flight at Newark.

However, I had tentatively discussed with my friend Yitzchak who lives in Teaneck about meeting him in the Newark airport. We didn't arrange a time or place, and I didn't have a mobile phone, and he hadn't exactly confirmed that he would come.

But I dutifully exited the secure section and wandered around the international terminal (C) and then the domestic terminal (A) to see if he was there, but he wasn't. Boingo gives 20 minutes of free internet, which was just enough for me to send him an email asking if he was around. He didn't respond by the time my free time ran out. So I checked in again through the ridiculously long security theater (1/2 hour) to my gate.

At the gate I found, for some odd reason, a free internet connection that existed for a brief time (around five minutes). Just enough time to see that my friend had responded and was, indeed, at the airport and headed over from terminal A to terminal C looking for me. I wrote back No! and dashed out of security. We finally found each other.

We talked until Nadine arrived; Nadine was in NJ and is joining my on my trip to KC and BGG.con before heading off to see her family. And so I went back through security for the third time. At least one of the guards was puzzled as why he had seen me before an hour earlier.

Our plane is small enough for me to wrap my arms around. Nadine and I played musical chairs with two other singles and a family of four in order to end up in contiguous seats.


Kansas City

Our friends Bill and Shirley picked us up and took us home and gave us an incredible meal at their lovely (ridiculously large and beautiful) house.

Shirley preparing dinner

Bill, Shirley, and Nadine

Monday will be shopping for kosher food and otherwise preparing for Tuesday's drive down to Dallas (actually, Irving).

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